Friday, April 27, 2007

Been a While

WOW its been a while since my last post!!! Oops
Errr what have I been up to.

Well, I went to Edinburgh for the Pixar Exhibition, which was brilliant... I loved it. When I've finished some stuff I will write about it on here.

I will do this in numbers as it will be easier for you to understand... or at least i think it will be :p

1. I've been getting people to do voices for my autobiography animatic.

2. Finishing my designs and ideas for my Redux Cat... it is now a series called 'The Fish Shop Cat'. After the cute cat that lives at the fish shop in huddersfield but its basically the same idea except its in a fish shop and the owner gets distracted by customers.etc.

3. I've been working on my objects for my Sprite and what they would do, if I knew how to make them do what I want LOL

4. I've been working on my Place to Play stuff the most as I have been modeling my final idea. Below is an old version of where I was up to and an up to date version. Its a bit different I know but I thought it was cool :)

I can't really think of anything else I've been up to other than helping to organise the Smelly Duck Rally page for the HUMCC site. You can see it at
Please let me know what you think :D